Our School is a 100% tuition-free Christian school in Pakistan, offering hope to hundreds of underprivileged students.

Maranatha Christian High School is registered with school education department, government of the Punjab, Pakistan. The School level is high school under this registration.

Maranatha Christian High School is registered with the School Education Department of the Government of Punjab, Pakistan. It was officially registered in March 2021. 

Maranatha Christian High School

Maranatha Christian High School

Educating The Spirit,
Soul and body !

Maranatha Christian High School is dedicated to illuminating the lives of underprivileged children with the light of spiritual, academic, and personal growth. We strive to uplift those amidst the challenges of poverty and limited access to education. 

100% Free Education For Poor and Persecuted.

Maranatha Christian High School

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